Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter Five: Creative Strategies

5.1 Creative Strategies
   What is better than media and advertising to communicate with people all over the world. Our target audience are related to media in all it’s possible ways and this would be the most effective and directive way to get to them and rising the awareness level among them. We have chosen the most 3 effective ways to go with.

4.1 Broadcast Media (TV commercial)
   TV time is a very common thing among all families in the world. People are becoming addicted to watch TV and so we chose to communicate with people through TV commercials that will be aired on a specific time when our target audience are mostly watching.

To show how serious is the issue of Dyslexia to uprising the awareness level among people and mostly parents.
- To show a shoot or two about dyslexics way of writing.
- Make sure people understand that dyslexic kids look normally like any other kid.

4.2 Internet (Interactive Website)
   The Internet is surely something that people nowadays can’t live without. There won’t be a day without people using the Internet for any purpose. So, having an interactive-informative website is counted on our advantage to meet up with people and advertise for our campaign.

- Gallery and videos pages to help supporting our campaign.
- More information and knowledge that we can’t achieve through our TV commercial.
- Communication channel between our target audience and us for any further questions or inquiries.

4.3 Environmental media (Exhibition booths / Event)
   Having an exhibition booth in addition to TV commercial and an interactive website is something helpful to introduce the issue to the people. It will be easier for people to ask their questions freely to the experts about Dyslexia in the exhibition booth and to get the information looking for. They can even see some of the dyslexic kids work in real life and learn more about the issue.

To have a face-to-face talk with people in public areas.
- To show parents some example of the symptoms that appear on dyslexic kids so they would be aware if any of their kids is having a Dyslexia condition.
- To present some of the symbol things that they could do to help a dyslexic kid.
- To hand out some informative flayers to people who are walking by just to rising the level of awareness among people.

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