Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter Seven: Survey and Interview

7.1 Survey

A. Male
B. Female

A. 20 – 25
B. 26 – 30
C. 31 – 40
D. 40 and above

A. Single
B. Married

A. A student
B. A housewife/husband
C. An employee
D. An unemployed

A. Highschool
B. Undergraduate
C. Graduated
D. Master/PhD

A. Malay
B. Chinese
C. Indian
D. Other

A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Regularly
D. Rarely
E. Never

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes
B. No

A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure

A. Special schools
B. Educated environment
C. Medical treatment

A. Parents at home
B. Teachers at schools
C. Friends and social life
D. All

A. A major problem
B. A minor problem
C. Not a problem
D. I’m not sure

A. Government resources
B. Schools and universities
C. Campaign
D. Media

7.3 Result Analysis
   From the survey you have seen above, you can notice that there are many people who don’t know anything about Dyslexia. They are either not familiar with the term Dyslexia itself or they don’t know what is the proper way to deal with dyslexic child. We also notice that the reason people don’t know much about Dyslexia is that many people rarely read which is cause a lack of general knowledge and also a lot of people doesn’t know any dyslexic person. Many people has mistaken dyslexic children as to be ill and should go for a medical treatment and a lot of people think that id a dyslexic kid goes to a normal school either a minor problem or not a problem at all, which could be a huge mistake and could make the kid’s situation even worst.
   We also found out that people believe in Media as one of the most successful ways to educate people about Dyslexia and aware them about the issue, along with schools and universities, government resources and campaigns as well. Therefore, the target audience are willing to receive information and knowledge from our creative strategy plan that we assign for this campaign.

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